5 Tips for Exceptionally Healthy Teeth

February 28, 2020

Achieving healthy teeth takes a lifetime of care with good daily habits - it’s no secret that you should brush your teeth twice a day to maintain a healthy smile. But it’s also regular check ups with dental professionals, using the right oral care products and avoiding certain food, drinks and smoking that consolidate your oral health.

Here are the five essentials of maintaining a healthy smile and preventing gum disease and other serious oral health conditions.

1. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste

Everyone knows this, right? But there’s a right way to brush your teeth. Here’s what you should do twice a day:

  • Gently brush your teeth on all sides with a soft-bristle brush and fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is a leading defence against tooth decay. It works by fighting germs that can lead to decay, as well as providing a protective barrier for your teeth.
  • Use small circular motions and short back-and-forth strokes.
  • Brush carefully and gently along your gum line.
  • Lightly brush your tongue to help keep your mouth clean.
  • Don’t go to bed without brushing your teeth! After a long day, it can be tempting to jump into bed without undertaking this daily ritual BUT remember brushing before bed gets rid of the germs and plaque that accumulate throughout the day.

2. Floss once a day

Flossing is not just for getting those little pieces of food that may be getting stuck in between your teeth, it’s also a way to stimulate the gums, reduce plaque, and help lower inflammation. Here’s out to floss correctly:

  • Floss once a day before cleaning your teeth
  • Clean around your teeth with dental floss. Careful flossing removes plaque and leftover food that a toothbrush can't reach.
  • Rinse after you floss.

3. Eat a well-balanced diet

Eating a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, protein foods, calcium-rich foods, whole grains provides essential nutrients for optimum oral health as well as overall health; while avoiding sugary treats and drinks will minimise the opportunity for acid to attack your teeth.

If you do snack or indulge in a sugary treat, it’s not the end of the world but ideally you should rinse your mouth with water, or eat a piece of cheese afterwards to neutralise the acid.

4. Quit smoking or, more importantly, don’t start!

The negative effects of smoking on your oral health go beyond staining and bad breath. Smoking also increases your risk for gum disease, infections and oral cancer.

Chemicals in tobacco products affect saliva flow in the mouth, making it easier for oral bacteria to stick to teeth and gums leading to more plaque and tartar.

Smoking also interferes with blood circulation by affecting the normal function of gum tissue, causing infections and restricting blood flow. 

And importantly, smokers are six times more likely to be diagnosed with oral cancer than non-smokers!

Read more about the ways smoking affects teeth and gums 

5. Visit your dentist and hygienist regularly

The main goal of your dental check up is prevention of dental issues. Your dentist identifies potential problems with your dental health and nips them in the bud before they become bigger issues.

The goal of dental cleaning with an oral health therapist, or hygienist, is also prevention of dental issues. Cleaning removes dental plaque. If dental plaque is left untreated, the bacteria contained in the plaque can spread and develop into biofilm which, in turn, can lead to gum disease and compromise your immune defences.

Find out more about dental cleaning at Eden Dental

Ready to make a change?

Here at Eden Dental we believe that good dental health starts with prevention. This starts at home with good daily oral hygiene habits, backed up by regular check ups at the dentist and hygienist. So if you’re ready to improve your dental habits, get brushing, flossing, eating healthily and make that dental appointment!

family brushing teeth together
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