Is Your Tooth in Trouble?
Due to tooth decay or dental trauma, you may lose the natural healthy structure of your tooth. As the damage progresses, the tooth can weaken and wear over time, affecting its functionality and appearance.
Our goal here at Eden Dental Centre is to restore your teeth back to their healthy and natural condition. With our dental crowns and dental bridges, we can achieve this.
A crown or cap is used to cover the entire part of the tooth above the gum line. Crowns are designed to restore the tooth to its original function and appearance. Our crowns can be made from gold, ceramic, porcelain or ceramic fused with gold.
We can advise which material will be best for you based on cosmetic appearance, location or positioning of the tooth in your mouth.
In more extreme cases, bridgework may be necessary. As a result of severe decay, fracture, abscesses or advanced gum disease, we need to replace the damaged tooth. This is to preserve your facial structure, chewing capability and natural smile. Moreover, it can prevent neighbouring teeth from drifting into the gap made by the missing tooth.
A dental bridge is intended to fill this gap or “bridge”. It involves the use of crowns on the tooth on either side of the gap. They can be made out of porcelain fused to gold, or all ceramic.
Dental crowns and bridges are part of our restorative treatment options. Our friendly experienced team of dentists can examine any areas of concern and discuss the best option or options available for you. If you want to know more please contact Eden Dental Centre today.
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