Oral Health Therapy

An Oral Health Therapist, or Dental Hygienist, is a dental professional who specialises in the removal of tartar or calculus from your mouth.

Tartar forms from the hardening of plaque, a colourless film of bacteria forming on the surface of the teeth. When plaque is not removed by regular blushing and flossing, it calcifies into tartar and attaches to the teeth’s enamel and root.

Plaque and tarter are among the major factors contributing to bleeding gums ( gingivitis) and gum disease( periodontal disease). Unfortunately if left untreated, the infection can snowball and lead to receding gums, loosening of teeth and eventually loss of a tooth or teeth. With gum disease both the bone as well as the soft tissues around the teeth are affected. With professional treatment and careful homecare however most cases respond well. The important thing to remember with gum disease is that the condition can be managed but not cured so regular visits to your oral health therapist must be maintained. 

What can our Oral Health Therapist do for you? 

Our Mt Eden dental hygienist can provide advice on how to fine-tune your homecare to stop unhealthy habits, such as irregular brushing, flossing and eating the wrong kinds of food. She will also make sure that your brushing and flossing is up to speed. Moreover, your teeth and gums will be screened for early signs of gum disease.

To effectively preserve your oral health and follow the oral hygiene practices prescribed by our friendly dental professionals, set up a cleaning appointment with Eden Dental Centre today.

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